The AMR Narrative

How can language barriers be a problem for AMR?

How can language barriers be a problem for AMR?



Joining Details

 Natalie Vestin (@CIDRAP_ASP) and Vanessa Carter (@theAMRnarrative)
Co-hosts: Kenneth Egwu (@KennethEgwu1), Estelle Mbadiwe (@Onyi_Estelle), Oluchi Mbamalu (@oluch1_nm)
Date: 22 November
Where: (Previously Twitter)
Time: 4 pm GMT
Hashtag: #theAMRnarrative


How to participate:
Join us for a 60-minute dialogue on X with our panel experts. All stakeholders are welcome.

Start your answers with T1, T2, T3, T4, or CT for transcript purposes.
Answer only after the moderator prompts. Questions will be prompted every 10 minutes but keep answers coming using the relevant T and number. Both panel experts and the public are encouraged to answer.

Use the #theAMRnarrative hashtag in all your posts so that you are visible to others in the chat and captured on the transcript.


Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) presents a formidable global health challenge, transcending geographic borders and impacting individuals from diverse backgrounds. While the scientific and medical aspects of AMR are extensively researched and discussed, there is another, often overlooked, barrier to effective AMR control: language barriers.

AMR is problematic in terms of language barriers for several reasons, and understanding these challenges is crucial for a coordinated global response. Diverse healthcare systems across different countries mean that healthcare policies and guidelines are often communicated in the native languages of those regions. This creates a language barrier that hinders the easy exchange of knowledge and best practices. As a result, valuable insights and experiences related to tackling AMR may remain isolated within specific linguistic communities, limiting the global effort to combat this issue effectively.

Effective communication between healthcare providers and patients is fundamental for appropriate antibiotic use. Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings, potentially resulting in incorrect prescriptions or non-compliance with treatment, both of which contribute to AMR. These communication challenges can disproportionately affect minority language speakers, creating disparities in healthcare outcomes. Additionally, public awareness campaigns are a critical component of AMR prevention. However, if these campaigns are not accessible in the native languages of the target population, their effectiveness is significantly diminished, leaving a portion of the population less informed about responsible antibiotic use.

To address these language barriers and promote effective communication in the global battle against AMR, several steps can be taken. Translation services can provide accurate translations of medical guidelines, educational materials, and public health campaigns, making information accessible to a broader audience. Encouraging a diverse, multilingual healthcare workforce can help bridge the language gap between providers and patients, ensuring that healthcare services are delivered with clarity and accuracy. Recognising cultural differences and tailoring communication strategies accordingly can improve the understanding of AMR-related issues among various cultural and linguistic groups, given the language diversity of the global population.


– Introductions first
T1: In your country, how do you think Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) should be described to a patient or the public?
T2: In your country, how would you describe what a microbe is (e.g., bacteria, fungi, virus or parasite) to a patient or the public?
T3: How do you think language is impacting the global response to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)?
T4: Which tools, resources or interventions do you think would be beneficial to patients or the public who have language barriers?
CT: Any thoughts you would like to add about the impact of language barriers and AMR?


How to participate:

1. The session will be in a text format
2. To join, login to (Previously Twitter) and search for the hashtag #theAMRnarrative making sure to select “latest” in the top bar so that the stream of posts comes up. Refresh the latest posts again if you leave the stream and return.
3. We start with introductions for the first few minutes. Tell us who you are and what you do.
4. Questions will be prompted every 10 minutes. Start your answers with the relevant T and number and always end with the hashtag #theAMRnarrative
5. The session can move quite quickly if many people take part, therefore we advise our guests to prepare answers in advance. The questions can be viewed above
6. First and foremost, it’s the use of the hashtag that makes a dialogue like this work. Watch out for spelling mistakes and remember “the” – (i.e., #theAMRnarrative not #AMRnarrative)


More can be read about this event at CIDRAP website here.

 Prior to the event, review the University of Minnesota’s Social Media House Rules for a code of conduct applicable to this event.



Category: ,
Date: November 22, 2023
Duration: 1 Day